
Hot topic: trust & quality in science, science publishing et al.

While I’m preparing for presenting standards for and certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories in a workshop about preservation metadata, which is about demonstrating trustworthiness of DRs, others are discussing trust and quality too. (This is not an extensive or necessarily balanced review –€“ this is what caught my attention.) Richard Smith asks how researchers can […]

Linked (Open) Data

Can you please remove ‘meaningful punctuation’ from field contents, librarians?

Dear Cataloguing librarians, It is time to realise that using punctuation as a way of marking sub-field boundaries is bad practice. You must not want to put title and “responsible entity” in one field and then try to split the field contents using punctuation like ” / “. You must not want to use an […]

Linked (Open) Data

Short review of the CSV ontology

This is interesting: the CSV ontology to describe the columns of a CSV file and the file itself. I can definitely see the value in rich descriptions of CSV files, or spreadsheets in general. But I’m also really tempted to ask “if you use RDF for the file ‘header’, why not the ‘body’ too?” There […]


Dag LinkedIn!

Na een mailtje “Your contact, X, has just joined LinkedIn” (met ‘X onbekend’) ben ik op zoek gegaan in mijn adresboek. Ja verrek! X, een vroegere kamerzoeker staat in Other contacts in Gmail. Eind 2008 hebben we gemaild en in de tussentijd heb ik LinkedIn een keer mijn adresboek gegeven. Ik voel me vies. Maar […]


The pain of plain (text emails)

Since the introduction of HTML email (must have been before my first email encounter), and especially now that internet speeds have gone up and computers are fast enough to render email in HTML, email has been HTML. Since I switched to only looking at the plain text version of multipart/alternative emails, I see that HTML […]

University of Twente

Universiteit Twente wil meer met academisch erfgoed, maar weet nog niet hoe

In het novembernummer (PDF) van UT Nieuws vertellen verschillende medewerkers van de Universiteit Twente over het academisch erfgoed van de inmiddels 52-jarige universiteit. In het artikel Een atlas uit 1650 en een computer van ƒ100.000,-: De universiteit inventariseert haar academisch erfgoed (p. 26-27) komen de Boot-collectie (15.000 oude boeken, waaronder een Blaeu-atlas uit 1650) en […]

Linked (Open) Data

Response to “Three reasons why the Semantic Web has failed”

Posted on as a comment (but at the time of posting it is still awaiting moderation). I’d like to disagree with most of the article. Your argument “the Semantic Web has failed” does not follow from your “reasons”. Sure, I’m pretty familiar with the Semantic Web and able to understand RDF (really, it’s not […]


Alternatives for “blog post”

If you run or write for a blog, or talk about blogs, you’ll want to refer to the content of blogs. Publications on blogs (perhaps mostly outside news organisation blogs) are commonly referred to as “blog post” (I guess news organisation may call online-only content “articles” too). Because I don’t particularly like this phrase, I […]


Workflow for saving song ratings from iTunes to MusicBrainz

If you, like me, a) have a large collection of music files on your computer and b) you manage (and play) them through iTunes and c) have a MusicBrainz account to do some metadata normalisation, have you thought of this? Suppose you want to export your ratings to the MusicBrainz server so that eventually you […]


Blauw online, maar hack me niet

Ik wilde een stukje schrijven als reactie op de column van Rosanne Hertzberger, met enigszins onderbouwde argumenten om niet volledig vóór het hackvoorstel van Minister Opstelten te zijn. Ze stelde in de NRC van afgelopen weekend dat de politie moet mogen hacken om bewijsmateriaal te vinden voor bijvoorbeeld kinderpornobezit. Bits of Freedom roept volgens haar […]