At a panel discussion about publishing cultures in academia on the 18th of December 2012 (which unfortunately I didn’t attend), De Jonge Akademie published a little book on the topic [zotpressInText item=”2GMXVGV6″]. Although the book’s paper size is almost the same as my Sony (PRS-T2) e-reader’s screen size, the PDF version isn’t really readable on […]
Category: Technology
As you may know, I use Twitter. I sometimes use it to post images from my smartphone to the world too. Those images are first taken by the TweetDeck app, then uploaded to a photo hosting service (YFrog by default). The photo host returns a link to the media, which is usually a landing page […]
Of course the University of Twente should offer their data as Linked Open Data! It could be the first Dutch university to be a member of Linked Universities, although the data themselves are of course more important than being listed as a member of some website. Data are all around the University, and some of […]
Discogs data, MonetDB/XQuery and Gephi
Wow, this was a draft from February of 2011. Time to freshen it up and post 🙂 I love Discogs for letting me catalogue my music while building a database of all musical releases worldwide. Sometimes I wished it was easier to get a high level overview of the trees of labels and their sublabels. […]
More Open Library
After some initial playing, I have started work on a VacuumBot for Open Library. It is supposed to be a general bot that can clean up some of the mess I found in the datadump of January 2012. By now I have compiled several lists of dirty data and key counts in this Gist. Among […]
Playing with the Open Library
Lately I’ve been playing (it’s not ‘working’ yet) with Open Library and its data. I’m even on the discuss and tech mailing lists, forked the GitHub repository and did a pull request. Why? Just like I use to keep track of my CDs, I thought I could use an online editable catalog for my […]
Among the goals I had in mind for were to publish (parts of) my family tree so that others can benefit from it (without being bound to specific collaborative genealogy websites), and to play around with linked data (i.e. having a webspace to publish my own ‘minted’ URIs with data). I believe the second […]
Nadat ik erachter was gekomen dat mijn problemen met de evenementenkalender van de Universiteit Twente, die ik via Google Calendar op mijn Androidtelefoon wilde hebben, niet werden veroorzaakt door de software van de UT, maar door Google Calendar, heb ik eerst gehoopt dat Google voor een oplossing zou zorgen. Maar dat is niet waarschijnlijk; het […]
Google Calendar #fail
In de post Evenementenkalender UT gedebugd heb ik weliswaar serieuze fouten ontdekt in de iCalendarfeed van de evenementenkalender van de Universiteit Twente, maar het probleem met tijdzones ligt niet per se aan de iCalendar. Google houdt zich niet helemaal aan de standaard voor iCalendar. Zoals ik had geschreven, bevat de evenementenkalender van de Universiteit Twente […]
De Universiteit Twente biedt een iCalendar-bestand aan met de evenementen uit de evenementenkalender. Dat is handig voor mensen die niet verschillende websites willen afstruinen op zoek naar iets om hun tijd aan te besteden, of hun afspraken willen afstemmen op UT-evenementen. Maar ondanks beloftes om mijn klachten over de kalender door te spelen aan de […]