
Secret hobby: browsing IANA Registries

Today is the perfect day to go public with a hobby of mine: browsing registries.

Meta Technology

Certificate issue in DirectAdmin

My own installation of FreshRSS would not load this blog’s RSS feed. And the RSS validator complained about a certificate issue, even though I could connect without errors in a browser.

Academia Technology

Short review of “Spamming in Scholarly Publishing: A Case Study”

Interesting: a researcher, Marcin Kozak, gets a lot of unsollicited email (spam) trying to convince him to publish in a journal or with a publisher and decides to check out these journals and publishers. Kozak, M., Iefremova, O. and Hartley, J. (2015), Spamming in scholarly publishing: A case study. Journal of the Association for Information […]

Ideas Linked (Open) Data Technology

Terms of Semantics

From the “just throwing it out there” dept. in cooperation with the “I’m too lazy to do some research into existing efforts” dept. It is generally known that people rarely read all terms of use and privacy statements of all involved parties providing a service. South Park used that knowledge as a storyline in The […]

Ideas Technology

Email wish list

Things I might find interesting in an email client or environment. Raw thoughts. fast search search inside encrypted emails get related and linked stuff easily at any time during reading easily organise windows and content, e.g. when you select to reply to an email, put the draft next to the original so that you don’t […]


New hobby: “You’re vulnerable as in CVE-2009-3555”

I started a new hobby: pointing out vulnerabilities for a particular man-in-the-middle attack. It is described in CVE-2009-3555: The TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla […]


Uitgevers van closed-accesstijdschriften moeten niet zeuren

Uitgevers die bang zijn voor een lagere Impact Factor moeten hand in eigen boezem steken. Zeker uitgevers van wetenschappelijke tijdschriften die niet Open Access zijn, want zij helpen de afhankelijkheid van Thomson Reuters en de Journal Citation Reports® in de hand. Thomson Reuters legt op hun website uit hoe de simpele formule achter de IF […]

Society Technology

The pain of plain (text emails)

Since the introduction of HTML email (must have been before my first email encounter), and especially now that internet speeds have gone up and computers are fast enough to render email in HTML, email has been HTML. Since I switched to only looking at the plain text version of multipart/alternative emails, I see that HTML […]

Ideas Technology

ArticLib: share and save paper in the office/library/…

Let me describe ArticLib. It is a vision to share printed articles without much overhead and save paper and printer toner in the long term.


Finding bad edits in the Open Library catalogue: ideas

Note: this post may be updated to accomodate other ideas or replace ideas. The Open Library catalogue can be edited by anyone. That became a problem when a wave of spam bots had found it last year. Now only users capable of deciphering the captcha can edit. There has always been some spam. I have […]