Meta Technology

Certificate issue in DirectAdmin

My own installation of FreshRSS would not load this blog’s RSS feed. And the RSS validator complained about a certificate issue, even though I could connect without errors in a browser.


Bende is WebSub-enabled

I created my own hub with Superfeedr and added it to the blog settings, so you should now be able to subscribe to this blog via WebSub.


Alternatives for “blog post”

If you run or write for a blog, or talk about blogs, you’ll want to refer to the content of blogs. Publications on blogs (perhaps mostly outside news organisation blogs) are commonly referred to as “blog post” (I guess news organisation may call online-only content “articles” too). Because I don’t particularly like this phrase, I […]

Ideas Meta

To do (excerpt): redesign, catalogue, PIM-KB, Semantic EPUB

I’ve had some ideas for things and things to do at some point in the future, but I can’t do all of them at the same time and most ideas need more thought (and research). I’ll list them here, not ordered by priority in any case, hopefully to inspire more ideas and spark discussion.

Ideas Meta

Want to be LinkedOn this page?

Yes, I’m on LinkedIn, and yes, in the past I have supplied even my Gmail password to LinkedIn to let it pull in all my contacts. I don’t believe I made LinkedIn send everyone an email. Back in the days, I had the option to see who else was on LinkedIn (by email address) and […]

Meta Technology

Hosting my own Twitter images on WordPress using Tweet Images

As you may know, I use Twitter. I sometimes use it to post images from my smartphone to the world too. Those images are first taken by the TweetDeck app, then uploaded to a photo hosting service (YFrog by default). The photo host returns a link to the media, which is usually a landing page […]

Linked (Open) Data Meta Technology

My Linked Data publishing ‘platform’

Among the goals I had in mind for were to publish (parts of) my family tree so that others can benefit from it (without being bound to specific collaborative genealogy websites), and to play around with linked data (i.e. having a webspace to publish my own ‘minted’ URIs with data). I believe the second […]


Now with Dublin Core and translations!

As a fan of semantics on the web, I couldn’t let it happen that my own blog posts don’t have at least some basic metadata. Thanks to the Dublin Core for WordPress plugin, the basic metadata (title, author, publication date, language of the post, etc.) is now automatically inserted into all the blog posts. See […]


Nu met Dublin Core en vertalingen!

Als fan van semantiek op het web kan ik het niet laten gebeuren dat mijn eigen stukjes tekst niet op zijn minst algemene metadata bevatten. Dankzij de WordPressplugin Dublin Core for WordPress wordt de basismetadata (titel, auteur, datum van publicatie, taal van het stuk, enz.) nu in elke post gevoegd. Kijk eens bij “Page info” […]


Tumblr geïmporteerd

Met de Tumblr Importer plugin zijn mijn posts (waaronder door Tumblr geïmporteerde tweets) geïmporteerd in de nieuwe B&log. Ze moeten nog wel in de goede categorieën worden gezet, maar dat komt wel goed.