Op 29 en 30 november 2019 deed ik mee aan de HackaLOD 2019, een hackathon met als doel iets te doen met Linked Open Data uit de erfgoedsector. Het was mijn derde keer en hoewel sommige dingen hetzelfde waren als vorige keren, ging ik er met een heel ander gevoel heen en was de ervaring […]
Category: Linked (Open) Data
Linked Data are data that link to other data, usually on the Web. Linked Open Data are Linked Data available under an open license or in the public domain.
The technologies for working with L(O)D are non-trivial to learn, but the even more difficult aspect of LOD is about how humans think the technology should understand the data.
Terms of Semantics
From the “just throwing it out there” dept. in cooperation with the “I’m too lazy to do some research into existing efforts” dept. It is generally known that people rarely read all terms of use and privacy statements of all involved parties providing a service. South Park used that knowledge as a storyline in The […]
Dear Cataloguing librarians, It is time to realise that using punctuation as a way of marking sub-field boundaries is bad practice. You must not want to put title and “responsible entity” in one field and then try to split the field contents using punctuation like ” / “. You must not want to use an […]
This is interesting: the CSV ontology to describe the columns of a CSV file and the file itself. I can definitely see the value in rich descriptions of CSV files, or spreadsheets in general. But I’m also really tempted to ask “if you use RDF for the file ‘header’, why not the ‘body’ too?” There […]
Posted on http://gigaom.com/2013/11/03/three-reasons-why-the-semantic-web-has-failed/ as a comment (but at the time of posting it is still awaiting moderation). I’d like to disagree with most of the article. Your argument “the Semantic Web has failed” does not follow from your “reasons”. Sure, I’m pretty familiar with the Semantic Web and able to understand RDF (really, it’s not […]
How about a(nother) community-built database of bibliographic data? One that is not limited to books or scientific journal articles, but does aim to identify the related people, organisations, perhaps even rooms in which conferences were held. That aims to connect the dots rather than re-mint URIs for everything that already has a URI, but recognises […]
Of course the University of Twente should offer their data as Linked Open Data! It could be the first Dutch university to be a member of Linked Universities, although the data themselves are of course more important than being listed as a member of some website. Data are all around the University, and some of […]
Among the goals I had in mind for Companjen.name were to publish (parts of) my family tree so that others can benefit from it (without being bound to specific collaborative genealogy websites), and to play around with linked data (i.e. having a webspace to publish my own ‘minted’ URIs with data). I believe the second […]