Ideas Society

AI Good Guys (in games in films)

I learnt about a new film genre.

Academia Ideas

Draft: Digital Scholarship competency list

I have been thinking about the kind of competencies or skills could make up what we call digital scholarship. I’m pretty sure somewhere there must be something on this, but I couldn’t find it. Here is a snapshot of the list I have been keeping in my notes.

Ideas Linked (Open) Data Technology

Terms of Semantics

From the “just throwing it out there” dept. in cooperation with the “I’m too lazy to do some research into existing efforts” dept. It is generally known that people rarely read all terms of use and privacy statements of all involved parties providing a service. South Park used that knowledge as a storyline in The […]

Ideas Technology

Email wish list

Things I might find interesting in an email client or environment. Raw thoughts. fast search search inside encrypted emails get related and linked stuff easily at any time during reading easily organise windows and content, e.g. when you select to reply to an email, put the draft next to the original so that you don’t […]


Workflow for saving song ratings from iTunes to MusicBrainz

If you, like me, a) have a large collection of music files on your computer and b) you manage (and play) them through iTunes and c) have a MusicBrainz account to do some metadata normalisation, have you thought of this? Suppose you want to export your ratings to the MusicBrainz server so that eventually you […]

Ideas Meta

To do (excerpt): redesign, catalogue, PIM-KB, Semantic EPUB

I’ve had some ideas for things and things to do at some point in the future, but I can’t do all of them at the same time and most ideas need more thought (and research). I’ll list them here, not ordered by priority in any case, hopefully to inspire more ideas and spark discussion.

Ideas Meta

Want to be LinkedOn this page?

Yes, I’m on LinkedIn, and yes, in the past I have supplied even my Gmail password to LinkedIn to let it pull in all my contacts. I don’t believe I made LinkedIn send everyone an email. Back in the days, I had the option to see who else was on LinkedIn (by email address) and […]

Ideas Technology

ArticLib: share and save paper in the office/library/…

Let me describe ArticLib. It is a vision to share printed articles without much overhead and save paper and printer toner in the long term.