From the “just throwing it out there” dept. in cooperation with the “I’m too lazy to do some research into existing efforts” dept.
It is generally known that people rarely read all terms of use and privacy statements of all involved parties providing a service. South Park used that knowledge as a storyline in The Human Cent-iPad.
One of the reasons for ignoring the Terms of Use (ToU) is their excessive length and use of legalese. They contain too much incomprehensible language. You need a lawyer to fully understand the rights and obligations that come with the service.
But many services share many characteristics, like the definition of a jurisdiction whose laws guide the service conditions, the definition of a service provider and consumer, definitions of content, ownership and other rights to the content.
Isn’t it possible to encode the characteristics of definitions in a standardised sets of terms?
If various (similar) services provide the definitions of their services in standardised terms, they could more easily be understood and compared. It would help non-human agents to select the best services for themselves and their human controllers.
More thought is needed.