Since a couple of weeks I have been attracting a new form of spambots. It took me a couple of minutes to realise that the accounts were probably not controlled by humans. Here’s what I get:
I receive email that Aurora Santee (@Ritanbrj) favorited one of your Tweets!. The tweet was in Dutch and nothing indicated that Aurora Santee could understand it.
It’s becoming a pattern:
- the username (@Ritanbrj) doesn’t have anything in common with the real name (Aurora Santee)
- the real name isn’t what I think are common Western names, but they are feminine
- the account has a bio and it may include an URL (don’t click it, of course)
- the few accounts that I looked at had about 16 tweets, most of them some sort of quotes; also about 50 following and 20-30 followers
- all account activity before the favoriting of not so random tweets (the five bots favourited two tweets) happened on the same day
With that said, there are similar bots that favourite tweets and just advertise “buy Twitter followers” in their timelines. And there are actual people favouriting some of my tweets… 🙂